Monday, November 19, 2012

Rohingya No More

An ideal Lady who dedicates most of her time for human rights and human dignity, wrote  a poem regarding real situation of  Rohingya. Every time I read it, I feel that she is talking about me.

Rohingya No More

I woke up this morning all cosy in bed
And a poem in my head
About another world
Behind my closed door
Where they got no cosy beds to sleep in
All they got is the floor
And mud, mud, mud,
Rising in the flood
No blanket to cover their children
If their children are still alive
Because they might not be
Some have been chopped up before their eyes

Sorry this poem should have come with a warning
It's easy to understand
I got a simple vocabulary
So this can be read in every land
But don't be fooled into thinking
I'm writing something nice
This poem ain't nice at all
This is a nightmare
It is called life

Life on Earth
This is what it's come to
But if you live in the West
I'm sorry you don't have a clue
So you might find my poem gives you a start
I got a lot to tell you so I'll begin with just one part
I'll start with the Rohingya
Because they are on my mind
This morning
Without warning
This nightmare woke up with me
but I knew it was a reality

Whilst I was fast asleep
More people died in that mud knee deep
Maybe they just starved to death
Or maybe they died of disease
It could have been an untreated injury
Or a new slaughter where the parents cried out Please!
Please don't hurt my baby, he's  my only son!
And my daughter she's the light of my life.
Oh my God what have you done!
How did humanity get to stoop so low?
Where are the hearts God gave us?
Does anybody know?
Can you even feel your heart behind your drunken stupor?
Have the tranquilizers numbed all your pain? Are the holidays all you live for?

Someone said I should write a poem
Sorry I write like a kid
But like I said this rhyme comes with a warning
Might not be one for the bed time story

The Rohingya
They live in Burma
Which was renamed to Myanmar
By the military Junta
I call it Burma in my Twitter stream
Because it uses less characters
And that's what matters most to me

The Rohingya were the forgotten people
No human rights and no voice
But you won't know that if your media of choice
is CNN or Sky News or BBC
But now we got the Internet it's easier to see
What lies behind the filter bubble
If you have the heart to stomach the trouble

Lived in the Arakan for centuries
A fact denied by Ne Win dictator from the military
he stole their right to a nationality
in 1982. They are officially
The most persecuted minority
In the World
Said the United Nations
When it suited them
Before Aung San Suu Kyi
And democracy
The UN said that, so quote that, it's official
Unlike the thousands of unverified deaths
Which can't possibly exist
They simple are not real
Because Thein Sein the new era president
Says there's only seventy eight deaths and
he's our document.
He's about democracy you see
Never mind his connection to the military.

Persecuted for years
No human rights just fears
More than 30 years of persecution
Less than one human right of 30 in a resolution
Forced to work as slaves on their own land
Can you imagine that?
And do you even give a dam?
Can't travel from place to place without a permit
Better for them to live like a hermit

They lost their right to marry
and have children as you wish
But the sea was their friend
And at least they could fish
But even fish started dying
Due to underwater mining
And the sea become their enemy
swallowing them up as they tried to flee
The horrors that were on the land
But maybe sea remained their best friend
Since it was always waiting patiently
To put an end to their misery.

Thank God for the sea that fed them
and sustained their lives for a while
And for the sea that took those lives away
when the lives could no longer smile.

Did you hear the man crying out for mercy?
'When will people like you bring us justice and peace?'
His wife begged for poison to end the misery.
But for many the pain did not cease.

It's not the first time the government tried to wipe them out
They tried a few times before you might have heard a shout
from a few
in 1992
just a quarter million fled their land
to Bangladesh who they thought was their friend
But over the border there was no warm welcome
Just a lot more mud
and some sticks they call shelter
The man behind that job I read was Than Shwe
But he didn't finish the job off so they are trying again today.
Should have taken him to the ICC
For war crimes years ago
Then these people wouldn't have to flee
Like they are trying now but with nowhere to go.

This minority gonna get the flick
Sorry but the land needs clearing real quick
Than Shwe is running out of time
For the Shwe Gas Pipeline.
Starting in Arakan
Crossing over to the people of Kachin
I've not even started talking about that
Another group of people about to get the sack
Gotta get that oil and gas pumping up to China
Like blood through our veins keeps us living finer
It's a win win situation
Even Ban Ki told us so
Seems he forgot about the Rohingya though.

It always starts with a rape you see
Stir up the tension between the ethnicity
But when leaflets are distributed across the nation
Encouraging the hate and extermination
You know this thing didn't just happen naturally
Police stand watching even though they can see
The houses burning and the knives cutting through
Innocent bodies, flesh, sinew
It's not a sight I'd like to see
But how would I feel if it was happening to me?
How would I like to see my house burnt to the ground?
How would I like to listen to the sound?
But don't talk about the children, please not the children
After they were hit
50 to 60 of them thrown in a pit
Buried alive that's what he said
The old man survivor when he arrived half dead
In the middle of the night
Did  my ears hear me right?
Surely not, play it again,
Tell me he's lying coz I can't take such pain.

It's a dirty word
Concentration camps
How absurd
These are emotive words you know
We don't want to hear them better you go
We'll label you as a mad
Then we can all ignore the bad
Go talk to Amnesty
They are very good you'll see
Tell them all about it
Then you can sleep at night coz u done your bit

Genocide: worse than war
The best documentary I watched by far
Find it on YouTube if you care
After watching don't forget to share
Mass murder is a political act
Could be prevented if you care about that
Which country will put national interest aside
And argue first for humanity with pride.

It is a desperate situation
This evil manifestation
Everyone in Burma it seems
Don't see the Rohingya as human beings
Why is it because you don't look like their look?
Skin too dark? Reading a different book?
Or are you just superior
to hold these people so inferior?
Its not them acting like animals it's you
when you surround their houses
with knives to stick through
the walls what do you think
is that human behaviour?
Have you thought about your soul
and who is going to save you?

So what do we do? just leave them there?
That is their land, their right.
Sitting ducks waiting patiently.
This is their plight.
They been denied so much already
Surely they got the right to remain
On their land where they can die in vain
And politicians can talk for sure
After a while Rohingya no more.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rakhine Buddhists are terrorists

How do you feel when you see Buddhist monks marching through the streets to encourage for the terror?

Thousands of Myanmar monks demonstrated to support the government's brutal persecution of stateless Muslim Rohingya, why?

The Buddhist world is full of injustice. Buddhistmonks support prejudice and human cruelty, why?

Empathy and non-exploitation are the key words in Buddhism but Buddhist monks encourage Buddhist to kill non-Buddhists, to burn all non-Buddhist houses and loot all their properties, why?

Buddhism is a religion of peace but Buddhist monks and most of the Buddhists are  terrorists, why? Buddhism encourages justice for all people, but Buddhists practice injustice and terrorist act against humanity, why?

Buddhists are trying to implement Buddhism-for-national-religion and annihilate Christians and Muslims from Myanmar land, thousands of Buddhist have been living and working in other countries, look how selfish idea !

Buddhists’ mindset is racism not Buddhism in Myanmar, why?

Buddhists’ thoughts, words, and actions are based on terrorism, race-based nationalism, and extremism, why?

 Because 70 to 80 percent of monks in Myanmar are Rakhine, and their main target is to build an independent non-Muslim Arakan State, most of the Rakhine monks are not Myanmar nationals, they are from Bangladesh; there were more than 3 million Rakhine Buddhists in  East Pakistan(Bangladesh) before Myanmar’s independence but now, less than one million left, the rest entered  Rakhine State, the most easiest hiding place for a criminal in Myanmar is Buddhist monastery,  so Rakhine from Bangladesh entered Myanmar and became monks, they stay in the monastery till certain time and later gave up acting as a monk, most of them remained as monks and spread the whole Myanmar. In this way, most of the monks in Myanmar are Rakhine Buddhists, they don’t care their religion, their main target is to establish an independenceRakhine non-Muslim Rakhine State.

Rakhine Buddhists do not want to have human rights or true democracy in Myanmar. For the last fifty years, people of Myanmar have been waiting to have a taste of democracy, human rights, freedom, justice, or equality. Some people have not known any of these things during their entire lives. This means we were so thirsty for human rights that we sometimes demanded them like fools.

But Rakhine Buddhists and Rakhine monks do not want democracy in Myanmar, they do not want human right here, they want only an independence Rakhine state.

In this 21st century ,a time of globalization, the principles of human rights and democracy are terribly broken in Myanmar. Buddhist understandings of Dhamma, Metta, peace, and human rights are very rough because of Rakhine monks. Rakhine monks in the whole of Myanmar encourage people hatred, racism, intolerance.

The violence between Rakhines and Rohingyas in Arakan State is an example of how dictatorships all over the world use and rely on conflicts to stay in power. If all people were united, a military dictatorship could not survive. Division and enmity in the minds of the people only keep the military strong. Because of this, the military systematically uses divide and rule policy on the grounds of nationality, religion, economic and education status, etc.

Rakhine Buddhists do not want democracy in Myanmar, they call Rakhine their father land unlike other races of Myanmar, all Myanmar nationals say Myanmar is our mother land but Rakhine Buddhists call Rakhine State father land, they are proud of being Rakhita which mean cannibals of Ancient , most of them don’t know kindness, humanity or peace even they hold a Ph.D degree like Dr. Aye Chan who claimed that Rohingya are viruses. Rakhine educated criminals and uneducated criminal have a plan to destroy Bamar too, they use the word  Aukchi , lowest filth for Bamar, Kalar and Bangali for Muslims, according to them , all the Muslims in the world are Bangalikalar because they themselves came from Bangladesh.

Because of Rakhine Buddhists, people all over the world ask questions against Buddhism, Rakhine Buddhists are insulting Buddhism ,because of them people look downBuddhism and Buddhist people. We should check all monasteries of Myanmar and find out all Rakhine monks in order to save Buddhism and Buddhists’ dignity. 

All of the Rakhine Buddhist monasteries keep swords, rods, and other lethal weapons in order to make mischief in the society, we should check up all the Rakhine Buddhist monasteries and remove those for the sake of humanity.

Rakhine claim themselves that they are Arayan like German Aryan and only race in Myanmar who love their own race much more other race of the world. In this way, Rakhine Buddhists insult Buddhism and Buddhists world.

Rakhine Buddhists are real terrorists who had already killed more than 60,000 Rohingya using violence, more than another 50000 in prisons and police custody, make more than 2.5 million stateless, where has gone human right in the world? Where is US’s “War on Terror” ? Does US practice double standard policy ? If not ,why can’t US fight these terrorists?

Zaw Lwin Oo